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Shape the energy future with us

The Smart Energy Innovation Fund offers start-ups capital and knowledge

Are you looking for investors for your start-up in the energy sector? Energie 360° promotes innovative start-ups by providing capital and expertise. Find out what the Smart Energy Innovation Fund focuses on and how Energie 360° can assist you.

We are convinced that fresh ideas are needed for a sustainable and connected energy future. That’s why we promoteinnovations and intelligent solutions associated with energy, cleantech, smart cities and mobility – with know-how on the one hand, and venture capital on the other.

Financing and expertise for your start-up

How does it work in practice? Firstly, with financial resources: the Smart Energy Innovation Fund can help you to establish yourself rapidly on the market. The investment focus is on companies that are still in the early stage. Secondly, we can support you as a partner and combine our strengths with yours: are you agile, willing to take risks and full of new business ideas? We offer you a high-calibre network, experience, expertise and an opportunity to access the market. Members of the Investment Committee can give you expert advice on all aspects of company and market development.

Our investment criteria as an investor

  • Industry focus: cleantech, energy, smart cities, mobility
  • Phase: pre- or late-seed to early stage – initial revenue has already been generated or market entry is foreseeable
  • Capital requirements: CHF 0.5 to 3 million
  • Team: the company founders have relevant industry expertise, a clear vision and commitment
  • Region: DACH, Europe
  • Other criteria: clear competitive advantages, growing market, IPR

We are involved in these start-ups:

Planeteers GmbH

Planeteers industrialises the natural process of limestone weathering to permanently store CO₂ while counteracting ocean acidification at the same time.


The company Ucaneo develops innovative electrochemical systems for extracting CO2 from the air. This approach, which is modeled on the human lung, requires less energy and costs than previously available technologies.

VoltStorage GmbH

Voltstorage manufactures stationary storage devices using vanadium redox technology. This represents a safer and cheaper alternative to lithium-ion batteries.

Distran AG

Distran constructs inspection devices that detect gas leaks faster than current technologies using acoustic sensors in the ultrasonic range. The units enable considerable savings to be made on operating expenses.

Enerthing GmbH

Enerthing develops lightweight, highly efficient solar films for powering electronic devices. Among other things, this can significantly reduce battery consumption.

iLocator GmbH

iLocator has set itself the goal of developing a data management platform and sensor technology in the field of smart infrastructure. The platform is designed for managing systems and infrastructure that capture and update data through sensors. The technology can establish an inventory of the physical infrastructure (assets) of cities and businesses.

Stabl Energy GmbH

Stabl Energy invents and produces innovative modular power electronics for battery storage applications and e-mobility. Stabl is aimed at manufacturers of industrial battery storage systems, fast-charging stations and drive trains in electric cars. Their product increases energy efficiency and reliability whilst reducing the overall costs because the battery modules are intelligently and dynamically interconnected.

ChargeX GmbH

ChargeX produces an intelligent multiple socket for electric cars. This allows several cars to be charged easily and efficiently in one place. Thanks to the innovative assembly concept, the ChargeX charging points can be installed within a very short time. This saves costs and effort. An intelligent charging logic with an app connection improves the charging current distribution so that all vehicles are optimally charged. The Munich-based start-up focuses on a sustainable supply chain and production that is as emission-free as possible.

Ubiq GmbH

Ubiq is a technology provider that makes electric vehicle rental more efficient with the aid of artificial intelligence. The Ubiq platform not only helps customers by making precise predictions about the availability of their electric vehicles, but also ensures that enough electric cars are available in the right place at the right time, and that the vehicles are sufficiently charged.

Insolight SA

The EPFL spin-off Insolight from Lausanne uses large agricultural areas to generate electricity from solar power. As well as enabling the relevant surface area to be used twice, it also offers additional advantages: the modules protect the plants growing underneath from the weather.

Liquind 24/7 GmbH (Exit)

Liquind from Berlin is creating a comprehensive distribution infrastructure for liquefied natural gas (LNG) across Europe. The company thereby offers an attractive alternative to heavy oil and diesel for shipping and heavy goods traffic.

Exit: 2021 in favour of Vitol

Luftmeister GmbH (Exit)

Thanks to its technology, Luftmeister is making an innovative contribution to more efficient energy use and climate protection. The air energy meters developed by this start-up are closing a gap in measurement technology.

Exit: 2022 in favour of Danpower

Our team

Ruth Happersberger

Ruth Happersberger is the founder of the Smart Energy Innovation Fund and Chair of the Investment Committee. She has been a member of the Executive Board of Energie 360° since 2010 and heads the Strategy and Corporate Investment division.

Lars Hennersdorf

Lars Hennersdorf is your first point of contact at our investment fund. Once he has identified a suitable start-up – such as yours – he will hold talks with you in his capacity as Investment Manager and assess your business plan.

Demis Acrostelli

Demis Acrostelli, together with Lars Hennersdorf, is your contact at our fund. He identifies exciting start-ups, evaluates them and, as an investment analyst, takes on the due diligence phase in many cases.

The Investment Committee

The Smart Energy Innovation Fund Investment Committee is made up of experts with extensive knowledge of investment and business. The committee comprises:

  • Ruth Happersberger, Head of the Strategy and Corporate Investment division at Energie 360°. Founder of the Smart Energy Innovation Fund and Chair of the Investment Committee.

  • Monika Krüsi, Partner at MKP Consulting and Member of the Board of Directors of Energie 360°

  • Alexander Fries, Serial Entrepreneur, Venture Capitalist and Corporate Developer from Silicon Valley. Board Member, Keynote Speaker.

  • Christian Schaffner, Executive Director of the Energy Science Center (ESC) at ETH Zurich

  • Looking for venture capital and experience?

    Are you and your start-up trying to find investors? Apply now for venture capital from our investment fund.

    Submit your business case

    Contact us

    Do you have questions about the Innovation Fund or would you like to apply on behalf of your start-up? Our experts will be happy to help you.

    043 317 22 22 innovationsfonds@energie360.ch

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